采取补救措施,执行零容忍政策,禁止雇用未成年人 18

PSSI resolved a U.S. 美国劳工部(DOL)于2022年10月对其一些地点雇佣未成年工人的指控进行了调查.  mg线上电子游戏从一开始就非常清楚:PSSI对雇佣18岁以下的人采取零容忍政策, and fully shares the DOL’s objective of ensuring full compliance at all locations.

For nearly two decades, we have run every single new hire through the Federal Government’s own recommended E-Verify system to confirm their employment authorization – alongside DHS IMAGE best practices 此外,还将投资1000万美元用于生物识别身份验证——因此,规避这些程序的唯一途径是在当地工厂蓄意盗窃身份或进行欺诈. 然而,不管发生的原因是什么,解决这个问题是mg线上电子游戏的责任

mg线上电子游戏100%承诺尽mg线上电子游戏所能执行绝对禁止雇用18岁以下的人. 这包括自美国劳工部调查以来最近采取的以下措施(以及其他措施),以加强mg线上电子游戏已经广泛的程序.

1. PSSI retained one of the most highly decorated former officers in the history of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, 为PSSI的合规和人力资源团队提供额外的身份盗窃培训,以了解如何检测和识别欺诈性文件,以最大限度地降低身份盗窃规避合规计划的风险.

2. PSSI对其员工进行了广泛的内部审查,以确保今天没有18岁以下的人在公司工作.

3. PSSI has hired a new world-class CEO艺康的Tim Mulhere将继续推动这些补救措施向前发展.

4. PSSI启动了一项慈善基金,最初承诺投入1000万美元,致力于改善mg线上电子游戏所服务社区儿童的福祉,并帮助减少艾滋病的流行 rising problem of unauthorized underage workers amid record levels of unaccompanied minors entering the United States. 

5. As part of the DOL settlement, PSSI聘请了一名独立的第三方顾问-他是一名26年的劳工部退伍老兵和前地区负责人,负责执行童工和工资/小时法-每月进行一次, unannounced Facility visits, at facilities chosen by the consultant, to monitor PSSI’s ongoing compliance with the child labor laws. 

6. PSSI’s Board engaged an independent third-party law firm, ArentFox Schiff, 审查并提出建议,以加强PSSI的合规政策和程序.

7. PSSI聘请了一名外部合规顾问来帮助加强其合规部门, 并协助公司雇用大量额外的新合规人员.

8. PSSI在全公司范围内对所有管理人员进行了禁止未成年人雇佣的培训,并明确了雇佣未成年人的经理或主管, or who are aware of instances of minor employment but do not take immediate action, will be terminated on a zero-tolerance basis. 培训需要收到确认,今后将纳入所有管理人员和主管的入职程序. 

9. PSSI launched its “See Something, Say Something” campaign with its hourly workforce, outlining the Company’s absolute prohibition against child labor, 如果团队成员发现任何与团队成员年龄有关的可疑情况,需要进一步调查,他们有责任大声说出来. PSSI向所有团队成员重新传达了他们如何匿名报告任何问题的信息, including age-related concerns, to a toll-free hotline.

10. PSSI向mg线上电子游戏服务的每个社区的学区发送了通信,要求他们在知道或有理由相信他们的学生在PSSI工作时立即与mg线上电子游戏mg线上电子游戏,以便mg线上电子游戏能够迅速解雇他们. mg线上电子游戏坚信,任何18岁以下的人都应该上学,而不是在mg线上电子游戏这样的环境中工作. 

11. PSSI重申其政策,即在其100%的工作场所进行持续的年龄验证审核, utilizing both on-site management’s face-to-face visual inspection, and PSSI’s Corporate Compliance team’s review of biometric photos. 

12. PSSI正在加强标准操作程序(SOP)和工作流程,以协助现场团队进行身份验证和调查.  

13. 为了进一步履行mg线上电子游戏对雇佣未满18岁员工的零容忍政策, a “No Minors” poster has been created and posted in every plant we serve. 

14. PSSI正在进行一项审查,以确定可以利用的其他技术,作为新员工在他们所服务的设施第一天之前对其背景进行筛选的一部分.

15. PSSI实施了一项新的反人口贩运政策,并要求利用政府的“蓝色运动”对所有团队成员进行培训。“蓝色运动”是一项全国性的公众意识运动,旨在教育人们了解人口贩运的指标以及如何适当应对可能发生的案件. Posters and handouts were also created and shared out to all locations we serve. 

16. PSSI为所有招聘经理提供了一项名为“卫生和肉类加工行业的童工”的必要培训.” This training will provide information around Child Labor and the Fair Labor Standard Act (FSLA); Information and Understanding of PSSI’s Zero tolerance policy as well as Hazardous Occupations within the Sanitation and Meat Processing Industry.

17. PSSI hired an experienced Chief Compliance Officer, Diego Alvarez, to strengthen our culture and drive our commitment to compliance.

18. 为了执行公司禁止雇佣未成年人的规定,PSSI推出了“No Minors Pledge” for its team members.

19. We have established our first Code of Conduct and Ethics, 哪些概述了推动mg线上电子游戏业务实践的原则,并为道德决策提供了框架. It aligns with our mission, vision, and commitment to doing the right thing, 作为指导mg线上电子游戏工作各方面道德考虑的关键资源.

20. To reinforce our commitment to prohibiting the employment of minors, 每个PSSI环卫工厂都收到并签署了一条横幅,上面写着“18岁以上做正确的事:PSSI不允许未成年工人进入。.” This banner activity also encourages team members to speak up they have concerns.

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